Day 4 Photos
July 2, 2015The Three “L’s” – Guest Bloggers
July 4, 2015Day 6 – 140 miles in to Journey!
Yesterday, we bicycled from Fairport to Clyde. Originally we were going to stop in Lyons New York home of the Trail of Hope, our friend Mark to DeCracker, Bob Stopper and where we started our boat journey two years ago. Before we bicycle to Lyons, we left Fairport with our good friend Tracy Crosby.
Tracy works at the Wayne County ARC. Wayne was and continues to be one of our favorite stops along the Erie Canal. In our first year during a rainstorm, we were warmly welcomed with loving signs and a nice lunch. The tradition continued yesterday with our friends from Wayne County greeting us with smiling faces, signs and fruit. Tracy rode from Fairport to Wayne with us and we had a wonderful experience.
We continued on to Lyons where we met Mark and his volunteer crew up from Maryland. They met us in Abbey Park in Lyons for popsicles and warm greetings. We did not have time to stop by the trail, but we are discussing and of July 25th ADA anniversary plans for the Trail Of Hope. Mark let Doug and I know there is even discussion of a painted mural along the Erie Canal of us!

Lyons NY with Trail of Hope crew

Owen Robinson in Lyons NY
We continued on 9 miles along Route 31 to Clyde New York. And of course the question came up earlier in the day how were our tires holding up? And I answered no flat tires yet… Well one mile to go as we are entering the village of Clyde my front tire blew out. The front tire is the hardest to change because I don’t have a spare change and go tire. We had to disassemble from the chain. But, Doug Hamlin knows a lot about changing tires with his wheelchair experience, Andrea Robinson is always eager to help and most important Trish Zdep is a godsend to us on this trip.
Trish has been with us for three years. She has pushed and supported, the, very good friend to this group and we could not or would not want to do this without her. She welcomed us into her home earlier this week with a home-cooked meal, wonderful family welcome and even a dirt bike ride for Owen.
Trish put my tire back on and we are ready to go again this morning.

Trish Zdep and the tire…